
Mostrando postagens de janeiro, 2022

7 Tips for Keeping Up with Your Grandchildren

Imagem Most grandparents would agree that time spent with their grandchildren leads to some of their most cherished moments. The physical stress of lifting, carrying, and chasing children around, however, can be considerable on an aging body. In order to remain healthy and active as a grandparent, you need to ensure you’re taking steps to keep your joints, muscles, and stamina strong and primed. How exactly do you do that? Here are our top tips for keeping up with your grandchildren’s rambunctious pace. 1. Break a sweat Do you only partake in activities when you’re with your grandchildren? If so, this is something that you should work to change. Getting regular aerobic exercise will not only help you keep up with the kids, but will improve your ability to tackle everyday tasks. This is because regular movement keeps your joints effectively lubricated. It also helps you maintain muscle strength, supports cardiovascular health, and builds your stamina. If you currently ex

Ingredients That Cause Joint Pain

Imagem Are you experiencing joint pain? Discomfort and stiffness in your joints can be incredibly frustrating and prevent you from being able to go about your daily tasks. There can be a wide range of reasons that could be behind your soreness, but the ingredients you are eating could be one of the primary causes. When your diet is full of the wrong ingredients, pain and stiffness in your joints could increase. However, making some minor changes to what you are eating can help you to transform your arthritis and keep you moving. What ingredients cause joint pain, though? To help you, we thought we would take a closer look at some of the foods you should be avoiding. How does diet impact arthritis? Before looking at the various ingredients that you should try to avoid, it is first important to understand how your diet impacts arthritis pain. Everyone knows the importance of eating a balanced diet, and this is especially true when it comes to managing your arthritis pain.

The Worst Foods & Beverages to Consume with Arthritis

Imagem The term “arthritis” isn’t actually a single disease. Rather, it’s an umbrella term that refers to multiple conditions characterized by inflammation of one or more joints in the body. Common arthritic conditions include rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, psoriatic arthritis, and gout, but there are actually 100+ different types and related conditions . With arthritis, the goal of treatment is to keep inflammation at bay, as the less inflamed your joints are, the less pain, swelling, redness, and other uncomfortable symptoms you’ll have. So, how can you go about reducing your inflammation? A great first step is removing inflammatory foods and beverages from your diet. In this article, we’ll be sharing the worst foods and beverages to consume with arthritis; they can actually make arthritis symptoms worse. Here are ten foods and drinks you’ll want to avoid. 1. Processed and red meats Research indicates that diets heavy in red and processed meats promote high le

Are Your Joints Swollen?

Imagem Are your joints swollen? Are you finding increased discomfort and stiffness when moving around or carrying out daily tasks? Swelling in your joints could indicate a range of possible health issues, but some of the most common include arthritis, infection, or an injury. The swelling occurs when excess fluid builds up around the joints, restricting your movement. Joint effusion, to give it its formal name, can occur anywhere in the body, and some people may find the discomfort comes in waves while others might experience more permanent inflammation. If you are finding that your joints are swollen, we have taken a closer look at what could be causing it, the symptoms to look out for, and how you can relieve it. What causes swollen joints? Noticing that your joints are swollen could be an indication of various health conditions. However, some of the most common include: Osteoarthritis Osteoarthritis is one of the most common causes of swollen joints and typically occ