
Mostrando postagens de dezembro, 2021

Five Reasons Your Big Toe Might Hurt

Imagem Is your big toe hurting? Experiencing discomfort in your foot can be incredibly frustrating, preventing you from walking and impacting your day-to-day life. Despite their small size, toes play an incredibly important part in how our foot functions, carrying the vast majority of our body weight. So experiencing discomfort can make for a bad day. However, what could be causing your big toe to hurt? There are many different things that could be causing your discomfort, which is why we thought we would take a closer look at some of the most common disorders. Here are five reasons your big toe might hurt: Bunions Bunion One of the most common causes of why your big toe is hurting is a bunion, which usually occurs alongside a condition called hallux valgus. A bunion is a large knobbly bump that forms around the joint of the big toe. Over time, this can cause severe discomfort and even cause the big toe to change position. If left untreated, a bunion can cause major irr

Top Types of Harmful Arthritis

Imagem Arthritis is one of the most common conditions in the world, with an estimated 7% of the global population facing discomfort and stiffness in their joints. While the main symptoms of harmful arthritis are inflammation and tenderness in the joints, many people do not realize that there are over 100 different types of the condition, each one targeting other parts of the body. Another very common misconception is that harmful arthritis only impacts the elderly. While the condition is certainly more common amongst the older age groups, it can affect anyone of any age. For some individuals, the symptoms may come and go, while others may experience continuous discomfort every time they move, making daily activities incredibly challenging. If you are experiencing discomfort, inflammation, or stiffness in your joints, then a doctor will be able to diagnose the type of arthritis you have. Some of the most common include: Osteoarthritis Osteoarthritis is the most common t

6 Anti-Inflammatory Recipes for the Holidays

Imagem The holidays are a festive time of year filled with twinkly lights, friends, family, and typically, an abundance of decadent food, recipes and indulgent treats. While traditional holiday fare is undeniably delicious, foods like refined carbohydrates, sugary baked goods, vegetable oils, and alcohol increase inflammation in the body . This can be especially detrimental for those who suffer from inflammatory conditions like arthritis, or live with an autoimmune disease. Just because you skip the buttery stuffing and pecan pie, however, doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy a delicious holiday meal. You can create some new traditions in your family by preparing food that tastes great and fights inflammation. To help you with this goal, we’ve rounded up six simple, anti-inflammatory recipes for the holidays that will delight your dinner guests without adding to your discomfort. Let’s dig in! 1. Spinach Pomegranate Salad Start your holiday meal off with this delicious, inflamm

How to Stop Eating Late at Night

Imagem Do you find yourself regularly heading to the fridge for a midnight snack? Eating late at night might not seem like a huge concern, but it can actually be causing you to put on more weight, placing your joints and bones under more stress. While it is logical to think that a calorie will have the same impact on your body no matter when you eat it, research has shown this is not the case. A study by the Northwestern University in America found that eating late at night resulted in twice as much weight gain compared to those who ate the same amount earlier in the day. Working to change your habits can help you to transform your fitness and help you to live a healthier lifestyle. As we age, excess weight can cause significant issues on our health, making us more likely to develop serious illnesses. Being overweight can also increase the discomfort and stiffness of conditions such as arthritis, reducing mobility and making it harder to exercise and burn off those ext