
Mostrando postagens de novembro, 2021

What Is Septic Arthritis?

Imagem Every day across the globe, millions of people’s lives are severely impacted by the effects of arthritis. However, while most people will be aware that the condition targets the joints and ligaments in the body, there are various forms of arthritis. Rheumatoid is one of the most common forms, but Septic Arthritis can be particularly dangerous and occurs more often in children than it does in adults. What is Septic Arthritis, though? How can it impact the body? We thought we would take a closer look at what the condition is, how it occurs, and what individuals can do to reduce the risk and symptoms of the disease. What is Septic Arthritis? Septic Arthritis, or infectious arthritis as it is often referred to, is typically caused by some form of bacterial infection. However, it can also be caused by a virus or fungus infection. Most commonly found in children, it is still a condition that can impact many adults. As the bacteria or viral infection works its way throu

How to Heal After the Loss of a Loved One

Imagem Everyone experiences hardships throughout life, but the loss of a loved one undoubtedly tops the list as one of the most heart-wrenching things a person can experience. The grief that comes with losing someone you love can be overwhelming and all-encompassing. You may experience all sorts of difficult and unexpected emotions, including shock, guilt, anger, disbelief, and profound sadness.   Grief is such a heavy feeling, yet a completely natural response to the sudden absence of a person in your life, whether it’s due to a death, a divorce, or the end of a relationship. So, how do you process this powerful emotion? In this article, we’ll be sharing seven tips for moving through grief in a way that works for you. Grief is experienced in different ways Before we dive into tips for coping with grief, it’s crucial to understand that everyone grieves differently. There is no “right” or “wrong” way to grieve, there is no standard timeline, and there is no universal pro

Can Whole Grain Foods Lower Blood Pressure?

Imagem High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, is a dangerous condition that increases a person’s risk of having a heart attack or stroke, two leading causes of death in Americans. This condition is very common, with nearly half of U.S. adults (or 116 million) having high blood pressure. Thankfully, blood pressure levels aren’t set in stone, even if you’re genetically predisposed. By applying some simple lifestyle changes, you can naturally lower your blood pressure. One of those changes is eating more whole grains, such as oats and brown rice. In this article, we’ll be exploring how eating whole grains can play an important role in lowering your blood pressure and how to incorporate this food group into your diet. First, let’s go over some basics. Why is controlling blood pressure important? Blood pressure is a measure of how hard your heart has to pump to deliver blood throughout your body. When you have high blood pressure, your heart and arteries have to w

8 Tips for Healthy Aging After 50

Imagem The second half of your life can usher in some of the most beautiful and rewarding moments. You generally have more wisdom and patience than your younger self and get to enjoy life through a different, more experienced lens. With age, however, also comes changes to your body and mind. You may notice that you don’t have as much energy as you used to, or that your joints are achy, or that you’re putting on more weight. Getting older, however, does not automatically mean poor health or that you’ll be confined to a walker. Plenty of adults 50 and over enjoy robust health and an active lifestyle. While certain changes are inevitable, you can minimize the negative aspects of aging by taking proactive steps to maintain your health. Here are 8 tips for healthy aging after 50 that will help you stay vibrant, active, and strong! 1. Get regular checkups Many people don’t visit a doctor unless they’re experiencing a problem, however, staying on top of your health means getti