
Mostrando postagens de agosto, 2021

The Best Workouts for Arthritis

Imagem Living with the pain of arthritis can be incredibly tough, but getting active and partaking in regular workouts can be a great way to help reduce that soreness of arthritis. Research has shown that those individuals who regularly exercise notice increased flexibility, better joint function, and a higher range of motion. However, when it comes to exercise and keeping fit, what are the best workouts for arthritis? We have taken a closer look at some of the best activities you can complete at home to help ease the pain and stiffness of the condition. Why is exercise beneficial for arthritis? Before looking at some of the best exercises, it is important to understand how they can help improve your condition. While the first thing that springs to mind might be running or heading to the gym, exercise does not have to be so vigorous, and any kind of physical activity can be beneficial. When you get active, you are improving your blood flow and increasing the strength a

Maintaining Mental Health With a Lifelong Condition

Imagem Living with arthritis can be challenging not only physically but mentally as well. Depression and anxiety are the two most common mental health issues arthritis sufferers face. What can also happen is that poor mental health can make arthritis symptoms even worse. Today, 23% of Americans suffering from some form of arthritis, and 11% of Americans suffer from diagnosed mental health issues. The cross-section between these two groups is large enough to consider mental health among people suffering from arthritis to be an epidemic. It is quite challenging to maintain positive mental health when your physical body is causing you major pain. Thankfully, there are steps you can take to reduce the physical and mental symptoms of both arthritis and emotional states like depression and anxiety. Here are some helpful tips on how you can maintain positive mental health when dealing with lifelong arthritis. Identify Your Triggers What causes your arthritis to flare up? Is

Teas for Easing RA Symptoms

Imagem If you are one of the 1.3 million Americans suffering from rheumatoid arthritis, then you know it is not an easy condition to live with. The aches, soreness, and stiffness in your joints likely make it challenging to even perform simple daily tasks. Thankfully, there are many natural remedies that will help keep joint discomfort at bay. In fact, there are numerous teas for easing RA symptoms that you can enjoy while getting rid of unwanted rheumatoid arthritis symptoms. The main reason why drinking teas for easing RA symptoms is incredibly effective is due to the anti-inflammatory properties they hold. Since inflammation is the reason for the aches and discomfort your joints are experiencing, anything that reduces it will help relieve those RA symptoms. No matter what your taste, you are sure you find a tea that suits your preferences so that you enjoy the inflammation-fighting benefits tea offers. The following are teas for easing RA symptoms you will want to e

Could Fried Foods Be Increasing Your Arthritis Symptoms?

Imagem Do you notice that your arthritis symptoms increase after eating certain foods? There has long been a belief that certain items, such as fast foods, can impact your level of discomfort and increase inflammation. Eating well and understanding the nutrients you are fueling your body with can help relieve soreness and improve your overall physical and mental well-being. Arthritis is one of the most common conditions in the world, with estimates suggesting that 1% of the global population is currently living with the condition. Despite the common misconception that it is a condition that only impacts the elderly, the stiffness and discomfort of arthritis can affect everyone, with the majority of sufferers actually being under 65 . While there is no current medical cure for arthritis, ditching those fried foods and focusing on what you are consuming can help to reduce the impact it has on your life. Why are fried foods bad? While diet is not the cause or a cure for a

The Top Health Benefits of Getting Out of Your Chair

Imagem You get up from your bed, eat breakfast at a table, drive to work, sit at your work desk for several hours, get back in your car, park yourself on the couch for the evening, and finally return to your bed for sleep. Does this sound familiar? If so, you’re not alone. Most people spend the majority of their days sitting. In fact, those who work in an office spend up to 15 hours a day sitting! This is a problem, as our bodies were not made to sit all day. Need some motivation to reduce your time spent sitting? Here are seven health benefits of getting out of your chair. 1. You’ll lower your risk of weight gain and obesity The recipe for weight gain is ultimately caused by taking in more calories than you burn. As you may have guessed, you burn far fewer calories when sitting than when you’re standing or moving around. One study showed that when compared to an afternoon of sedentary work, an equal amount of time spent standing burned over 170 additional calories. O