
Mostrando postagens de junho, 2021

Avoid Common Running Injuries

Imagem Running injuries are far more prevalent than you may think. Half of all runners become injured at some point, with 80% of injuries occurring due to overuse of their joints. With this type of injury become so common, it is a good idea to take preventative measures to avoid common running injuries. While popping a painkiller may provide temporary relief, it is only masking a bigger issue that is best prevented. Down the road, that will definitely not be enough, and you will begin resorting to ice packs and be unable to run like you once did. On the bright side, there are several ways to avoid common running injuries. Some steps you can take are quite simple and may surprise you. If you want to prevent injuries and run for years to come, then keep reading! Strengthen Your Muscles When you have strong muscles, as well as ligaments and tendons around your joints, you prevent joint injuries. Weak muscles lead to worse form and harder impacts while running. Since runn

Golfing With Joint Discomfort

Imagem Golf is an easy-going, relaxing, and healthy sport that around 25 million Americans enjoy every year. Older adults are especially interested in playing golf because it is easy on their joints and does not involve too much strenuous activity. However, it may be difficult to be golfing with joint discomfort, you may be apprehensive about playing the game. Osteoarthritis is the most common issue leading to soreness and stiffness in joints. This occurs due to cartilage breaking down. Joints become more exposed to damage, resulting in aching that is very hard to get rid of. If you are over 50, you are more likely to succumb to the effects of this form of arthritis. Your knees, hips, lower back, and wrists are going to be the most affected joints if you are a golfer or want to become one. If you are overusing them or getting exposed to too much cold, your symptoms will be worse. So, how can you go golfing with joint discomfort and reduce it as much as possible? Here a

Bad Habits That Are Giving You Joint Discomfort

Imagem At least 15 million Americans report having joint discomfort in their everyday lives. Even though they suffer from soreness, stiffness, and aches of all kinds, some people will keep up bad habits. There are many bad habits that are giving you joint discomfort. Identifying what they are is the first step to becoming free from the suffering they cause. We are going to share the most common bad habits that are giving you joint discomfort, so you can eliminate a significant amount of the aches you are experiencing. Women suffer more from joint discomfort than men, which may be due to following expectations in fashion like wearing high heels. However, joint discomfort is a universal issue that can be reduced when you understand what may be making it worse. Here are the most likely bad habits that are giving you joint discomfort: Texting Ever since on-screen keyboards and social media become popular, texting has become widespread. With it has also come an issue known

Hobbies and Activities Modified for Arthritis

Imagem Do you ever find yourself missing the activities you used to once be able to do without discomfort? There are many hobbies and activities that can still be modified for arthritis. It is never too late to start a new hobby. Hobbies and activities, even if they are modified for arthritis, are important to keep your mind and body active. If you have arthritis, I am sure you already know that many activities you once did every day, now cause you fatigue or soreness. It can force you to slow down even if you do not want to. You just need to get creative to find hobbies and activities that work for you. Here are some fun hobbies and activities that can be modified for arthritis. Outdoor Activities Modified for Arthritis Gardening Having to bend down and dig to garden with arthritis is challenging.  It can be tough on your body, but that does not mean you can’t garden anymore. You just need to change your approach. It is recommended to take frequent breaks and avoid he

Flare Up? Try These Recovery Methods for Arthritis

Imagem Does your arthritis flare up regularly as it does for 27 million Americans? Are you tired of the soreness, stiffness, and discomfort that this condition keeps giving you? If so, there’s something you can do about it. At the very least, these recovery methods for arthritis flareups will shorten their duration. At best, they will keep them at bay more and more. Signs Of Arthritis Flareups Before we get into the actual recovery methods for arthritis flareups, it is a good idea to know what the tell-tale signs of them are. Here are the symptoms to look out for: Joint Stiffness Feeling stiff joints, especially when you first get out of bed in the morning, are an indicator that you have arthritis flareups. Stiffness can also be blamed on changes in the weather, including when it becomes cold or the air pressure changes. Fatigue You can begin to feel tired when you are dealing with the onset of arthritis flareups. While fatigue is usually not a standalone symptom to wa