
Mostrando postagens de maio, 2021

Around the Clock With Arthritis

Imagem Did you know that your body’s internal clock is linked to the aches and stiffness you experience with osteoarthritis ? This is the conclusion of a 2013 study explaining why older adults are the ones who suffer from arthritis the most. Arthritis is a joint condition that affects anywhere from 20% of people in Utah to 46% of adults in Mississippi. It is a good idea to go around the clock with arthritis and understand how to alleviate the condition. If you suffer from arthritis, you will notice that you will have more pain some days than others. Different types of arthritis will lead to experiencing soreness and stiffness at different times of the day. Rheumatoid arthritis flares up in the mornings the most, while gout is more likely to flare up during the evening. Why do these differences exist? A growing body of research is indicating that circadian rhythms are to play a role. Circadian Rhythms A circadian rhythm is an internal clock that runs on a 24-hour cycle,

Early Signs and Symptoms of Arthritis

Imagem Joints are the meeting points of your bones, and they can allow your body to move in any direction. When these joints are inflamed, there is a good chance it is arthritis. Arthritis can affect any of the joints in your body that provide support to the skeleton. Popular joints include your shoulders, hips, elbows, knees, and hands. It is important to know the early signs and symptoms of arthritis to try to prevent it from getting worse. Two vital types of joint discomfort are commonly known as: Osteoarthritis (OA) Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) Early Signs and Symptoms of Osteoarthritis OA is generally noticed after you are 40 , often known as the “wear and tear” disease. It advances gradually and will, in general, influence ordinarily utilized joints like the: Wrists Hands Hips Knees Joint torment due to OA results from a breakdown of the ligament that fills in as a pad and safeguard for the joints. Although the damage to your joints cannot be reversed, you can manag

Arthritis Genetics and Hereditary Risk

Imagem 54 million adults and 300,000 children  suffer from some form of arthritis.  The most common types of arthritis affect 1 in 4 adults with women and the elderly seeing increased risk. Are genetics playing this role with arthritis? Surprisingly, arthritis is a very common but not an especially well-understood disease.  We know that there are environmental factors that contribute to the development of arthritis. The questions of whether or not genetics plays any role in determining who is at greater risk of getting arthritis is a longstanding and very valid question.  New advances in technology, now, allow us to examine more closely and accurately what role genetics and family history have to play in your risk of getting arthritis. In this article, we take a look at the risk factors associated with your genetics and how they contribute to the common types of arthritis.  Finally, we suggest simple steps and resources that you can consider if you have a family histor

Why You Should Be Drinking Green Tea

Imagem Out of the 84 billion servings of tea that Americans have every year, 15% of them are green tea. What makes green tea such a highly popular tea these days? Most of it has to do with its remarkable health benefits. For instance, if you have rheumatoid arthritis, you will find it to be especially helpful in relieving unwanted soreness, stiffness, and general discomfort. Here are the main benefits of drinking green tea that you can receive right now. Improves Brain Functioning Besides the included caffeine, green tea improves the functioning of your brain. There is an amino acid called L-theanine that helps increase your GABA neurotransmitter’s activity, leading to having less mental anxiety. Additionally, green tea is boosting your dopamine levels and leading to calming alpha waves being produced by your brain. What is also interesting is that when caffeine and L-theanine come together, they work synergistically. This results in experiencing potent effects when i