
Mostrando postagens de abril, 2021

The Top Five Health Crises Facing Seniors

Imagem Seniors are living longer. The top five health crises facing seniors affecting this demographic should be a call to action.  In the next twenty years our nation’s most populous demographic will be seniors (people age 65 and over). This age group is expected to reach the 77 million mark by 2040. Seniors aged 80 and older are expected to triple , reaching a total of 31 million by 2050.  People in their 90s and 100s are expected to quadruple from 2 million to 8 million in the same time frame . Although advancements in science and technology seem to be allowing us to live longer, that is only half the story.  Eighty percent of older adults will have to face these health crises in some manner. While seniors may be living longer, they are spending those extra years contending with soreness and discomfort. Seniors and their families have good reason to be concerned.  Understanding each of the top five health crises individually can be a step towards their prevention a

10 Ways to Get Rid of Joint Discomfort

Imagem Joint discomfort is no walk in the park. In fact, if you walk in the park while you have joint discomfort, you are probably going to be wishing you never left the house. As we get older, our joints become more worn down. The constant use of them, especially when more weight is placed on them, wears them down. Thankfully, you do not have to live out the rest of your life with increasing joint discomfort. There are several ways to get rid of joint soreness that you can start doing right now. Here are some of the best methods to start implementing. Maintain a Healthy Weight Having too much fat weighing down your joints, as well as not having enough muscle to support them, can both wreak havoc on joints. You will want to incorporate exercise and a healthy diet into your daily routine, so you can optimize your body weight and give your joints a break. Move More We have become a very sedentary society. Most of our jobs require us to sit for long periods of time, in cha

Does Joint Discomfort Equal Arthritis?

Imagem Does joint discomfort equal arthritis? It’s a question that anyone experiencing lingering stiffness or soreness in their joints wants to know the answer to. The chances are high that the older you get, the more likely and frequently you are going to have joint discomfort. However, does it automatically mean you have arthritis? It would technically be correct to say you have arthritis when you are suffering from aching joints. This is due to that term simply meaning that your joints are inflam ed for some reason. This generalized term can be scary to hear but you should not be too afraid before learning more about the specific arthritis issue you have. That is because there are over 100 different kinds of arthritis you could have. It is a good idea to understand which type you are suffering from so that you know how serious it is and how much treatment your specific condition will require. Causes of Joint Discomfort There are numerous causes for joint discomfort.

Daily Habits That Can Cause Joint Discomfort

Imagem Are you someone who suffers from joint aches, soreness, and discomfort in your joints? Do you already take medications as directed by your doctor? If so, there may be a few daily habits that cause joint discomfort that you are doing. Some of them may surprise you, so keep reading to learn about all of the different daily habits that can cause joint discomfort. Drinking Coffee With over 150 million Americans drinking between two and three cups of coffee a day, you have probably not thought twice about stopping. After all, it gives you that boost you feel you need to get started and get through the day. However, you may actually be making your joint discomfort worse. The majority of the issues with drinking coffee while having joint issues stems from the sugar content added to it. Some cups of coffee, like those found in places like Starbucks and Dunkin’ Donuts, come with massive amounts of sugar. You may find yourself drinking upwards of 36 teaspoons of sugar tha